

Purpura vs Petechiae: What is the difference!

Purpura vs Petechiae: What is the difference!

First of all, when you find purple spots on your body after bumping into some furniture, falling accidentally, or even participating in a boxing match. So it just means that you are clumsy and fortunately it is not something so serious for your health. However, if none of the above has happened, it is important to investigate why. Then, do you know the difference between Purpura vs Petechiae? Blood vessels can break and bleed into the skin, leaving small red dots (called petechiae). Also, blood can pool under the skin in larger regions that are known as ecchymoses or popularly…
Benefits of Honey With Lime

Benefits of Honey With Lime

The arrival of winter is often accompanied by the first colds. Did you know that honey with lime is good for colds? First of all, did you know that there is a 100% natural, simple and inexpensive way to treat a cold and stay healthy? It is honey with lime! In fact, the combination of honey with its calming and antibacterial properties, and lemon with its antiseptic power, is a true natural remedy. Prepare an infusion or a hot drink of honey and lemon to treat a cold, relieve a sore throat, and speed up your healing! BENEFITS OF HONEY…
Cognitive Decline with Aging: HOW TO PREVENT IT

Cognitive Decline with Aging: HOW TO PREVENT IT

First of all, Unfortunately, Cognitive decline with aging affects a large proportion of the elderly, but it is not the only cause. Cognitive decline can have many causes: aging, brain trauma, illness, etc. When it is age-related, this impairment more often remains moderate and does not inevitably progress to dementia. Here are the main points to know to enable seniors to understand and act on cognitive decline. WHAT IS COGNITIVE DECLINE? They are characterized by an alteration of brain functions, especially memory. The symptoms vary greatly, depending on the area of the brain affected. Cognitive impairment is not necessarily synonymous…
Active aging: How to conquer it

Active aging: How to conquer it

Age is approaching for all of us, and although it presents some challenges, it is possible to live well, even as the years go by. The concept of active aging is becoming increasingly relevant, and that is exactly what we are going to talk about today! Several countries such as Singapore and Portugal, and many other developed countries, are facing a rapidly aging population. The expectation is that by 2030, one in five people will be 65 or older. So ensuring that this increasingly graying population leads healthy, productive, empowered, and dignified lives is a challenge that involves individual effort,…
Regulatory foods: What you don’t know about!

Regulatory foods: What you don’t know about!

First of all, leading a healthy lifestyle and eating in a way that your body functions collaborating with the best of your physical and mental health, is essential. Some processes are natural to aging, such as the difficulty in absorbing calcium, the drop in collagen production, among several other points that can change your appearance and your mood. And this is exactly where the importance of regulatory foods comes in. Regulating foods are extremely important for people to mitigate some of the inevitable effects of aging. And not only the elderly keep an eye on them: because they influence several…
Therapeutic Gymnastics for Seniors

Therapeutic Gymnastics for Seniors

In principle, as you get older, the body's functional abilities and performance decrease. So therapeutic gymnastics comes to help you with just that. To age well and maintain your well-being, regular physical exercise is recommended. However, only one out of every two Brazilians practices a sporting activity between the ages of 55 and 64. What is therapeutic gymnastics for seniors? Therapeutic gymnastics is an activity particularly recommended for seniors as part of a healthy lifestyle, either to start or to return to sports after a certain age. To increase life expectancy and enjoy a healthier old age, it's necessary to…
Osteoporosis: Causes and Treatment

Osteoporosis: Causes and Treatment

First of all, osteoporosis is a condition of the skeleton that combines a decrease in bone density and changes in its microarchitecture. According to the WHO, the world health organization, it is one of the 10 most common diseases. This disease affects mainly menopausal women: more than 2.5 million women are affected by osteoporosis. WHAT IS OSTEOPOROSIS IN THE ELDERLY? The loss of bone strength characterizes osteoporosis. In addition, it remains asymptomatic for a long time. The first appearance can be spontaneous fractures without external shock. WHAT ARE THE CAUSES? Osteoporosis can appear as a result of a disruption of…
Pain and Joint Stiffness: How to Treat Them

Pain and Joint Stiffness: How to Treat Them

Beginning at age 50, the body, which until then was flexible and agile thanks to the hundreds of joints in it, becomes less mobile with aging and joint stiffness. Joint pain and joint stiffness may appear. One in every two elderly Brazilians would be affected by these physical problems. What are the causes of joint stiffness? How to relieve them? pain and joint stiffness Causes of pain and joint stiffness Joint pain and stiffness felt in the knees, wrists, neck, etc., appear more frequently with age, although these symptoms, usually grouped as rheumatism, can, however, occur at any age and…