
Career at Enterprise: How can the elderly do it?

It is not always easy to find a job after 50! So more and more seniors are choosing to start their own enterprise, but how can the elderly start an Career at Enterprise.

Difficulty in finding or finding a job after 50, isolation of pensioners, but more and more dynamic… So many problems to which a new trend responds: business start-ups by seniors.

Who says that retirement is the best age and synonymous with “absolute rest”? Today, entrepreneurship is a common thing for people in the elderly category. They want to get back to work, either by starting their own business or by joining a new company.


Older people are increasingly active in the labor market because they are looking to supplement their income. However, there are others who choose to take time off to be with their family.

Career at Enterprise

For those looking to supplement their ends of the month, they project themselves into senior entrepreneurship. Several reasons lead seniors to go into business. Most want to continue their passion from a young age.

If they are entrepreneurs, they want to contribute to their development by bringing in the necessary experience. They can also start as creators of new businesses. In fact, age allows them to have more skills and contribute to the proper development of their business.

If the elderly contribute to business creation, it will reduce the country’s unemployment rate. However, to be more independent, an elderly person can become a self-entrepreneur.

First of all, it should be noted that regardless of age, an active person contributes indirectly to economic progress. The more efficient the individual is, the more success is assured.

Thanks to the extensive knowledge and numerous experiences gained over the years, they are able to create profitable activities and perform any kind of function in the context of senior entrepreneurship.

However, it should be emphasized that when making this choice, older people should be fully aware that they could give up leisure and would not have enough rest time during retirement.

Another case is directly related to well-being: if the pensioner is directed to a certain activity that they don’t like, this can lead to depression, malaise or health problems.

For this reason, they should invest in an enjoyable activity so that it can flourish without stress and, of course, without showing discouragement. So try to do something that you have always wanted or dreamed of doing.


Entrepreneurship, an alternative to a job market that is not very open to seniors.

After fifty, many experienced professionals struggle to show their skills in the job market and find or find a permanent contract.

This is a harsh reality experienced by many fifty or even quads. Large groups focus on employing the young, and resumes over 50 are often excluded.

However, those whom recruiters sometimes hastily call “seniors” are increasingly dynamic and connected. Many do not wish to be pushed into premature retirement.

Especially since retiree isolation is now a key societal problem. With aging, sometimes the death of a spouse, the geographical distance from family who have gone to live elsewhere, many retired seniors suffer from a lack of social ties and a need for fulfillment. They feel isolated from society, with sometimes heavy psychological consequences.

That’s why more and more of them are moving toward an alternative to a dismal job search: they decide to take matters into their own hands by starting their own business.


It must be said that people over 50 have a lot to offer as professionals. Proven experience, expertise in their field, in-depth knowledge of economic logic, a well-stocked address book… So many undeniable assets for an entrepreneur.

And, contrary to some popular belief, they are anything but disconnected from current issues and digital tools. What’s more, for 71% of 45 to 69 year olds, it’s not too late to embark on an entrepreneurial adventure, according to a study.

For some, creating their own business is not only a “Plan B”, but also the opportunity to finally become their own boss, or fulfill a dream or passion.

So more and more seniors are diving into opportunities offered by companies like O Boticario and Visa, which recently launched their empowerment campaigns (click on the respective names to find out).

Good to know: jobseekers over 50 can benefit from up to 36 months’ compensation, and retirement schemes allow, under certain conditions, work combining retirement pensions and work income.


Setting up your business is always a long-term venture, full of complex issues: choosing a legal niche, determining a business model and market positioning, tax and social issues, professional insurance… It is not always easy to see clearly.

Like all business creators, aging entrepreneurs can benefit from the dedicated support of various foundations and public structures. These services offer mentoring pathways, skills diagnostics, or assistance in finding funding.

Some offer modules specifically dedicated to seniors, for example, to help them improve their mastery of digital tools and practices.

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